Tag Archives: David Samuel

The latest and greatest technology gift ideas for Father’s Day

Thinking about that special gift for Father’s Day? Guest writer David Samuel offers some suggestions; a few you might consider – well,  just a little “strange” (maybe that should read – “bleeding edge”).

imageWith Father’s day just around the corner it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to get your loved one. It’s very easy to settle for the usual gifts such as his favorite beverage or a new sweater but he deserves better than that. Instead of the usual anticipated tiresome gift why not surprise your old man with some tech wizardry, below are some of latest and greatest technology gift ideas to suit all tastes and budgets.

Before you dismiss the notion on the grounds that your father simply does not get along with technology consider this “technology works best when it is seamlessly integrated into everyday life”, which brings me on nicely to my first suggestion.

The universal remote controller with integrated bottle opener, no, I’m not making that up. Some genius has actually combined the two objects no man can live without and it can be yours from as little as £23.50. If your Dad loves beer and TV this gift is pretty much the Holy Grail.

For those of you with fathers who like to showcase their masculinity then the talking digital grill thermometer will give him the perfect platform to exhibit his awesome caveman like cooking skills. Now all the family can relax without the worry of food poisoning.

For those of you with cash to splash, why not spoil your father with a tablet PC. The Apple iPad is the most popular tablet right now but android tablets are making a surge in popularity and leading the way is the Asus Transformer TF101.

Next up is a gift suited for the intellectual Dad’s out there. A touch screen hand-held Soduku device, with multiple levels of difficulty and an array features this will have your Dad banging his head against a wall in frustration.

As promised five great technology related gift ideas to suit all tastes and budgets, you’ve now got no excuse to settle for the ordinary. The above ideas will have hopefully give you some food for thought but don’t hang around, Father’s Day is fast approaching.

Got a gift idea of your own? Please feel free to share your ideas below in the comments section. Silly, peculiar and great technology gift ideas are all welcome.


David Samuel is an electronic media consultant, with over 13 years’ involvement with some of the world’s leading electronic retailers. David’s awareness and market intelligence make him one of the best equipped experts around. While specializing in laptops David’s knowledge covers a wider spectrum of consumer electronics.

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Filed under Connected Devices, Guest Writers, iPad, Older Adult Computer Users, Point of View

Internet Televisions Crush Household TVs

Guest writer David Samuel takes a look at the ongoing changes in viewing habits. 

In a nation renowned for its couch potatoes, you would expect TV’s in U.S. households to be more popular than ever with the plethora of recent technology advancements including HD TVs & 3D TVs. However, for the first time since 1992 U.S. households’ containing a television has declined by over 2%. While the decline is small, the shift in power is immense.

This change can be explained by the explosion of high-speed internet – from 2007 to 2009 broadband internet connections across American households increased by nearly two thirds; this is the most recently available data.

In January 2010, the Consumer Electronics Association (CE) revealed that sales of televisions fell by 1%, while sales of internet-enabled televisions increased by a monstrous 150%. Households across the globe with broadband internet connection are progressively turning to the internet as their principal media portal.

It’s estimated that in 2011 internet TV’s as well as 3D TV sales will grow by over 60% in the U.S due to increased content from videos games, TV events, Blu-ray films and HD sporting events. Other electrical equipment, such as high definition audio units, is also increasing in popularity due to this demand.

The internet generation is no longer buying traditional televisions and are instead opting to stream media over the internet. In the future more households will have a mission control like layout, where both the TV and internet will be consumed. But, what will this cocktail media viewing unit be called? I quite like Media Viewing Device (MVD) – that’s my call – what’s yours?


David Samuel is an electronic media consultant, with over 13 years’ involvement with some of the leading electronic retailers. David’s awareness and market intelligence make him one of the best equipped experts around. While specializing in HD TVs, David’s knowledge covers a wider spectrum of consumer electronics.

If you found this article useful, why not subscribe to this Blog via RSS, or email? It’s easy; just click on this link and you’ll never miss another Tech Thoughts article.


Filed under Guest Writers, Interconnectivity, Internet TV, Tech Net News, Video

Billions Set To Watch The Royal Wedding On TV & Online

Guest writer David Samuel, who’s close to the action in the UK, gives us his take on the big day.

imageWhile most people in the UK are simply thankful for an extra bank holiday and extra beer drinking time, the rest of the world have embraced the royal fever and the Royal Family have certainly embraced social media.

No monarchy is as popular, and as well liked, as the Windsors right now. With a TV & Online audience set to topple the 2 billion mark, the question on everybody’s lips is – where will you be watching it?

Online & Social Media

Wise to the royal frenzy, Google have recently announced that the royal wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton, on April 29, will be streamed live on YouTube. The live stream is set to start at 0900 GMT with millions expected to login and watch it live. The music performed at the wedding ceremony will immediately be made available for download.

Viewers will also be able to follow all the action on Twitter, as well as download Royal apps leading up to the big event.


Unless you switch your TV off on the day of the royal wedding, you’ll have a very hard time escaping it. To say the royal wedding will be a huge media event is a colossal understatement.

Every news organization worldwide, will be contending for position to broadcast the royal wedding live. Many electrical retailers have reported increased sales in TVs and projectors – with many splashing out on a new HD TV to watch the couple looking their royal best.

Street Party

The Brits certainly know how to party, and with the Prime Minister urging the nation to “get on and have fun” on the day of the royal wedding, most will gladly oblige. Over 4,000 applications for street parties have been requested in England and Wales on the day of the royal wedding. With 2 million expected to celebrate on the streets, so no excuses grab your Union Jack attire and join the fun.


The famous Regent Street in London is now cloaked in Union Jack flags in preparation for the royal wedding. An extra 600,000 tourists, from home and overseas, are expected to congregate along the procession to get a glimpse of the royal couple.


While many broadcasters were salivating at the thought of the first 3D royal wedding, it was soon ruled out by Buckingham Palace. Google once again, not missing a trick, expanded its Google Earth 3D imagery to include the entire route of wedding procession. Google declared that “With this new 3D data covering the royal procession route, you can indulge yourself in a “royals’-eye”.

The social media coverage of the royal wedding is unprecedented and, is “in line with the couple’s wishes to make the wedding as accessible as possible for as many people as want to participate,” stated Buckingham Palace.

The role of social media in the royal wedding highlights just how far media communication has developed. The wedding between Prince Charles and Dianna, 30 years ago, was only available on TV, with viewers now likely to be watching the event on television, or YouTube, while liaising with theirs on social media accounts such as Facebook and Twitter.

It really is a digital revolution and all that is left to do is wish the happy couple a happy future.


David Samuel is an electronic media consultant, with over 13 years’ involvement with some of the leading electronic retailers. David’s awareness and market intelligence make him one of the best equipped experts around. While specialising in LCD TVs David’s knowledge covers a wider spectrum of consumer electronics.


Filed under Communication, Connected Devices, FaceBook, Google, Interconnectivity, Social Networks, Windows Tips and Tools, YouTube