Comodo “Really Simple Security” – Free and Uncomplicated

Just like “free”; “simple” is good. When you combine free and simple thought, you often get “great”. Comodo Group’s new, free, Internet security series, is just that – great.

Internet security advice, is often free, but too often it’s far from simple. In fact, it tends to be complex, and occasionally, frustrating to grasp.

We’ve written here previously about Comodo TV, a terrific free service offered by Comodo, the developers of a number of very well known free applications including, Comodo Antivirus, Comodo Firewall, Comodo Time Machine, System Cleaner, and Comodo BackUp.

Comodo VP Bill Fallon and his team have taken this concept one step further, and have developed a new Internet video series, Really Simple Security, published on a dedicated YouTube channel.

Really Simple Security

As Bill explains “Each program is about a minute, and in a light and entertaining way gets the point across about what every Internet user needs to know, and needs to do, to be more proactive about their own protection… We produce and distribute two new programs every week.”.

Really Simple Security 2

To ensure the security lessons are topical, current, and reflect the “real” Internet environment, Comodo wants to hear from you. Or, as Bill Fallon puts it, “ if you have any suggestions for topics to cover, we’re all ears”.

We know that running security applications alone, will not ensure safety on the Internet; education and awareness have taking on a new urgency.

While you may not need to be convinced, your friends, relatives, and associates, particularly those who are new Internet users, undoubtedly need to learn the basics of Internet security.

Let them know that they can do this in a  constructive, yet lighthearted way, and point them to Comodo’s Really Simple Security. They’ll be glad that you did. As well, by doing so, you will have helped raise the level of security for all of us.

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Filed under Comodo, cybercrime, Don't Get Scammed, Don't Get Hacked, downloads, Freeware, Interconnectivity, Internet Safety, Online Safety, Software, Video, Windows Tips and Tools

3 responses to “Comodo “Really Simple Security” – Free and Uncomplicated

  1. Liam O' Moulain

    Thanks Bill and Comodo,

    Frankly, I need all the help I can get!


  2. Bill: thanks for helping us get the word out. There’s literally no end to just the basics of staying “cyber-safe” because the threats are ever-evolving.

    For instance, we just wrote something up yesterday on VISHing – that is, Phishing tactics using voice/telephone communications. Currently hitting small town banks with automated voice phone calls asking people to reconfirm their card numbers, etc. by entering them through their telephone keypads.
    Hackers can now easily spoof Caller ID as well!

    I’ll reiterate my offer to your readers, if there’s a security topic you’d like us to tackle, send us an email:

    Thanks Again,

    Bill Fallon